Tackling industry shortages and training delays
Workforce Connect was established to combat worker shortages in critical sectors like manufacturing and healthcare. This initiative, a collaboration between the chamber of commerce, local university, private educational partner, and community college, surveyed local employers to identify immediate workforce needs.
In healthcare, where 130 medical assistants were urgently required, university students in the healthcare discipline were recruited to join a fast-track clinical medical assistant program lasting just 90 days, with a national certification embedded. For manufacturing, a six-week pre-apprenticeship/internship program with multiple industry certifications was developed in partnership with a regional manufacturer.
Participants, lacking prior experience, received job offers upon program completion and earned 15 college credits applicable toward a degree. By December, Workforce Connect had exceeded enrollment goals with over 95% passing national certification exams, offering promising career paths and wage increases for participants.
Through collaborative efforts with industry, education, and private partners, we’ve developed and deployed just-in-time training programs finely tuned to address pressing workforce demands. This innovative approach, replicable and scalable, garnered national recognition from the prestigious Bellwether College Consortium, known for acknowledging groundbreaking programs shaping trends in the United States and its territories.

Over 95%
Earned an industry recognized certification